
Friday, December 3, 2010

Street Beggar

A street beggar is a very poor person who has to beg for his livelihood. He is to lead very simple life. He wears dirty and fade dresses. He goes door to door for begging. He wakes up from his sleep at down. He can't get enough food for his feeding. He has to eat a very little food. This foods may be like a garbage. Sometimes, If he can get enough from begging then he remain hungry for 1 or 2 or many days. He always try to show his acting for begging. In his acting he shows that he is more ill and more sick than he real. If his acting is perfect then he will paid more then he generally gets. He always suffer from malnutrition and always suffer form many kind of illness. Bet he don't get any correct treatment for his illness. He suffers more and more in the rainy and winter season. In this period he can't go out for begging or if he goes then he will pay more for this. They suffer greatly in his time. They become curse for the nation. Any organizations and governments are not come ahead for helping them. They always deprive from their right. So, we should come forward to help them. If we can help them and develop them then they will become asset for the nation. So, everybody should take immediate project for them. 


  1. how does a STREET beggar goes door to door for begging? He is supposed to beg on the street.

  2. foolish do you think a begger acts!

  3. foolish do you think a begger acts!

  4. i really appreciate your confidence but like this you can help students to fail in exams

  5. Replies
    1. You are wrong. 8 years old person can not write this.

    2. The ending was good.But the starting was worse

  6. Oh myyy ,I can't find le paragraph so I came here and this is what I saw ,lol xD someone kill me 😂😂😂

  7. Oh myyy ,I can't find le paragraph so I came here and this is what I saw ,lol xD someone kill me 😂😂😂

  8. Nice but what is the name of this book

  9. The grammartical mistakes and the vocabulary should be incresed

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. You should add more points and normal facts about the street bagger🤔🤔🤔

  12. In the paragraph there are some gramatical mistakes and some sentence making problems

  13. good but if u added some extra best lines it will be very good for us

  14. good but if u added some extra best lines it will be very good for us

  15. good but if u added some extra best lines it will be very good for us

  16. good but if u added some extra best lines it will be very good for us

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This is a wonderful paragraph. I am really appreciated to get this paragraph.Thank you.

  19. Mediocre writing meh ; could've been better if the vocabulary was richer
